With the holiday spirit and cheer already in swing, Crumley Roberts has some tips for you to help make your holiday travel less stressful and to avoid some of the anxiety in your daily life before the holidays.
First and foremost, remember to relax. To avoid high tension and stress, calm your nerves. There’s no need to let others and their actions affect you and what you have to accomplish. Plan ahead if possible to avoid fitting everything in all at once.
If you will be traveling, try to book flights early. Cheaper deals and more flexible options are often available for those that plan ahead. Try to get to the airport or hit the road early, and allow buffer room for delay times. Pack portable snacks and things to keep occupied if you do encounter delays.
Be respectful of others. It’s easier to calm your nerves through smiles and happiness than to stay angry. Offer a helping hand, say please and thank you, and stay positive. Others are stressed too, and more often than not, you will make someone’s day with the nice gesture. After all, the holidays are perfect times to be cheerful towards others.
Keep safety a top priority. Avoid getting behind the wheel tired. Use a designated driver when traveling home from holiday parties if consuming alcohol. Never stay in dark areas alone, and if possible, always travel with a friend or family member. Keep lights on at your home when leaving, and make sure everything is locked and valuables are always hidden from plain view.
Stay healthy. Being sick can always add complications to your life, especially when traveling. Winter travel increases risks of colds, germs and sicknesses. Wash your hands often, get a flu vaccine, and make sure you are getting ample sleep and rest. Dress in layers to stay warm, and make sure you are eating the right combinations of healthy foods.
For more information about how to handle airport travel, visit WebMD.